Saturday, November 12, 2011


We talked this week about family stress and crises. When we talk about crises, there is two things that are brought by it. The first one is danger. The second one is opportunity. We can either choose to grow from the opportunities or face the problems. Thinking about crises, the population thinks about the bad; about death, a job loss, and sickness. But there are other crises, such as having a baby, getting a new job, a house, etc. 
With stress and crises, comes coping. We can either choose to be effective or ineffective about it. Effective coping is put into five parts: take responsibility, affirm your own and your family's worth, balance self-concern with other concern, learn the art of re-framing, and use available resources. We can build up our effective coping, by the every day things, that involves the family. Birthdays, vacations, and other types of family celebrations are a good way to store up happiness and effectiveness. When it comes to ineffective coping, it is split into three parts: denial, avoidance, and scapegoating. Denying the problem or casting it off, isn't going to solve anything. Even though it might be difficult to being the problem to the surface, it will ease the burden or pain. There are those times where avoiding the problem in general is good for a time, but it doesn't make it go away. Using the effective resources and building your emotional bank account, will help ease the stress and make it more bearable.

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